Often under-appreciated, the brooch is one of the most fascinating forms of jewellery – that’s because no outfit is exciting and chic until one’s been added to the ensemble! A great conversation piece, it can be selected to fit any occasion and make for lively discussions. The witty novelty brooch from Victorian times is sure to conjure a smile. A delicate lapel pin completes one’s own look in a subtle yet impressive way.
The predecessors of today's brooches were fibulae worn as coat clasps. These pieces of jewellery resembled a safety pin and were used to hold garments together at the shoulders. They ensured the correct fit of clothing for almost 3,000 years.
However, at the latest since the invention of the button, the fibula became increasingly superfluous in their function - and was now able to develop into a purely decorative object.
The way brooches were worn in earlier times changed again and again. For a long time, the preferred place was the centre of the neckline, in the years around 1900 also the collar of the high-necked blouse. It was not until Art Deco that the brooch also conquered the lapel, especially in the then new style of the clip.
We offer a rich selection of brooches from different periods made of many materials and in different styles. Come explore and join us in reviving the long tradition of the brooch.